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Marx Groucho (Julius Henry Marx) (1890-1977)

Julius Henry Marx (Groucho) was bornin 1890 and died on August 19th 1977 at Cedars Sinai Medical Center. He was 86 years young, at his time of death. Groucho's ashes are in a small room in the mausoleum at Eden Memorial Park in Mission Hills, California. He was clever and anxious from the get go. On screen he played a wise cracking cigar toting, middle-aged man with glasses and a big black mustache. He continually launches streams of wisecracks and insults at everybody and just about on any topic. Groucho is normally regarded as the most popular, and recognized of all the Marx Brothers. In his later years he went on to radio You Bet Your Life for which he won the Best Comedian of the Year award in 1949. Groucho Marx did 26 movies total, of these 15 were with his brothers Chico and Harpo. Of those 15 movies only 14 were actually released. The first movie was a silent film, that Groucho is said to of cut up the movie into guitar picks, to prevent it's release. Needless to say, he didn't like it. Although students of the cinema still try to find a copy of the film, feeling it has great historical value. They were one of the world's most famous comedy teams. They had their own zany brand of slapstick comedy. That was mixed with quick witted one-liners, usually delivered by Groucho. Some of Groucho's one-liners were often imitated, even by some of todays biggest comedians. You can also find them in some of the old Buggs Bunny cartoons. There were six brothers, all born in New York City. Manfred Marx died in infancy.

a política é a arte de procurar problemas, encontrá-los, fazer um diagnóstico falso e depois aplicar as soluções erradas
desculpem se lhes chamo cavalheiros, mas não vos conheço muito bem
é a menina Smith, filha do banqueiro multimillonário Smith, não é? Não? Perdão, por um momento pensei que me tinha apaixonado por si
estes são os meus princípios. Se não gostarem, tenho outros
existe uma maneira de saber se um homem é honesto; perguntando-lhe! Se ele responder que sim, é desonesto
inteligência militar é uma contradição de termos
não é a política que cria estranhos companheiros de cama, mas sim o matrimónio
o casamento é a principal causa de divórcio
o segredo do sucesso reside na honestidade e no comportamento correcto. Se conseguires fingir os dois, conseguiste
porque haveria de me preocupar com a posteridade? O que é que a posteridade fez por mim?